I wrote this one a couple of years ago but it was my first ballad and I enjoyed the form too much not to post it on here. Enjoy:)
She stood by the water,
Tears trickling down her face,
Waving her silk handkerchief,
This was the place.
The sea was a torrent of fury
As the wind whipped through her hair,
The pelting rain was screeching hags,
Feeling no mercy, no care.
She stood there, bedraggled and sodden
Her soft heart full of grief.
She was saying farewell to her loved one,
She was drained of her hope and belief.
That night the ship set sail
Across the stormy sea.
The wind raged and buffeted,
Ignoring the sailors’ plea.
Then, a shard of lightning
Pierced the hellish sky.
The night was over, the light was out
As the captain let out a cry.
Down came the mast,
And down came the sails,
Down came that final wave,
that stopped the sailors' wails.
Now, the sea was calm and still,
But in the pale dawn light,
The ripples formed an archway,
With the wreckage just in sight.
Back on land she waited,
She waited day and night
And she stared out of her window,
Willing a ship to come in sight.
Each day she walked to the shoreline,
She cowered down in shame,
She wept to the wind with a broken heart
Now certain that she was to blame.
She knew now what had happened,
She gave her life away,
As the tear- salt ocean beckoned her
To its tomb of Crash and Spray.
copyright @beawood
you,re an excellent big sister and poet
amazing i love it